Da MeToo ramte manden

Gads Forlag, 2023

"En bog alle mænd skal læse"

David Trads i Jyllands-Posten

5 stjerner



 "Det handler om magt og ulighed i organisationer"

Troels Heeger i Berlingske


Intimate Mobilities

"Written by an international cluster of leading scholars, the scholarship of this volume transforms the field of migration studies by teaching us how to theorize migration and state immigration policies through the lens of intimate relations."

Amalia L. Cabezas, Associate Professor, Media and Cultural Studies, University of California, Riverside

"This is a solid, worthwhile scholarly contribution that moves our knowledge of migration and intimate relationships further along."

Gilbert Herdt, Professor in Anthropology and Human Sexuality Studies, San Francisco State University

Affective Circuits

Jennifer Cole & Christian Groes, 2016


“A brilliant synthesis of affect theory and migration studies (….) Particularly edifying are the contributors’ meticulous analyses of the economic, ethical, and emotional connections migrants negotiate and struggle to sustain between home and the global north and their critiques of current governmental, legal, and media responses to migration in Europe.”


Michael D. Jackson, Professor, Harvard Divinity School, Harvard University

 “A sparkling set of essays that map the intimacies and innovations of migrant kinship and belonging across the Africa-Europe divide. Filled with smart theory and vivid case studies this elegant collection advances migration studies in new and unexpected directions, while also reanimating that old topic – the anthropology of kinship – that never goes away”.

Gilbert Herdt, Professor in Anthropology and Human Sexuality Studies, San Francisco State University

”The collection of essays tell us that concerns regarding the research epistemology of studying intimate matters is, and remains, pivotal. Focusing on methodological challenges, this book is a timely intervention in the burgeoning field of development studies, sexual and reproductive health studies and other fields where personal and/or sensitive issues lie at the heart of the research agenda. It deals with topics related to people’s reproductive choices, sexual practices and gendered affairs based on research from a variety of geographical locations”.


Rachel Spronk, Associate Professor, University of Amsterdam

Sex i grænselandet

”Antologien er stykket sammen af artikler fra 17 kvinder og mænd, som fortæller deres personlige historie om erotiske eksperimenter og tabubelagte seksuelle udfoldelser. For til trods for kvindefrigørelse og seksuel frisættelse overser vi konsekvent de tabuer, der stadig er i vores private sexliv”.


Lone Nørgaard i Jyllands-Posten